Still 3.90 m33-5 333 Mhz Games that are working:
Pacmanworld 3: Fully working with speedbooster, P 66% and FPS 10
Rachet and clank size matters: Fully working with speedbooster and standard settings
Silverfall: Fully working with speedbooster, P 56% and FPS 10
Super monkey ball adventure: Fully working with speedbooster and standard settings
Tales of the world RM: Fully playable with speedbooster, P 40% and FPS 10
Tokobot: Slow, but playable with speedbooster and standard settings
Tomb raider legends: Fully working with speedbooster, P 56% and FPS 10
Warriors of the lost empire: Litlle bit slow but playable with speedbooster, P 67% and FPS 10
Wipeout Pure: Fully working with speedbooster and standard settings
Games that are working with some little issues:
Over the hedge hammy goes nuts: Slow, but playable with speedbooster , P 26% and FPS 10
Parappa the rapper: Slow, but playable with speedbooster, P 1% and FPS 50
Sega rally revo: Slow, but playable with speedbooster, P 36% and FPS 10
Spinout: Slow but playable with speedbooster, P 76 and FPS 10
Spongebob squarepants the yellow avenger: A little bit slow used with speedbooster, P 76 and FPS 99 disable plugin first before exiting
Surf’s up: Slow, but playable with speedbooster, P 56% and FPS 20
Tekken DR: very Slow, but playable with speedbooster and standard settings disable plugin first before exiting.
Games that are working with some real issues:
Sonic Rivals 2: Slow, but playable and the bottom bar is glitchy used speedbooster and with standard P and FPS
Sonic Rivals: Same problems as sonic rivals 2 (see above)