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BeanheadDate: Wednesday, 2014-07-09, 5:16 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 3
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Status: Offline
Hello, currently there's a Tekken community starting to form in my friends circle and we frequent some tournaments too. Recently we've had the chance to open up a local bar and it's quite spaceous along with a projector and other multimedia forms. We're allowed to hold LANS here but don't want to fill up the space with consoles, rather just have a case of cables and PSP's we can lock away and just drive by car and take laptop or screen :).

So here's the general outline:
Acquire 10 PsP's and install custom CFW with:

Remotejoylite V0.19 - 0.2a (Any support left?) to attach these with USB cable to screen. Great program but since Tekken relies heavily on framerate this might fall out of the games to be played poule since we can't afford buttondelay (read: ragers:').

Along with FuSa

which enables us to use any sort of cable (composite, component, svideo, d-termina) to attach to TV's and even use PS3 controller (Some players prefer PSX controller, PS2, PS3 or Korean arcade stick)

We'd rather not dabble with the hardware too much as in attaching PS2 / 3 - controller to it but we might go that route if this fails us. Preferably i'd get my hands on user Tokyodrifts program ->]

i've searched everywhere to no avail. Could any reupload that please and are there any further plans?

I'm not to savvy when it gets to Wi-Fi and internet. Installing a router and plugging the cable is is about the extent of my knowledge huh but we were wondering. I know it's possible to use my PC/laptop ethernet card to play online or hook up all the PSP's up in ad hoc so if we installed a server in the bar and hook them all up to the same MAC-adress we can versus UMD/UMD and ISO/ISO no problem? Maybe I should look into bluetooth but haven't researched that option properly yet.

Otherwise we might go for PSNlover/PSN:censored:er which allows access to the Playstation network. We'd rather not since it's notorious for frameloss (wireless) and I don't think we can plug in cable into PSP :(...

It might all seem a bit far-fetched and we probably expect a bit too much from the processors but it seems a neat and fun project nontheless, the mobility and plethora of games does make it attractive.

Most posts revolving this seem from 2009-2011 so any more recent information or discussion about the possibilities and potential (USB is not the best for transferring video) please do so :). 

Thanks in advance!

Message edited by Beanhead - Wednesday, 2014-07-09, 7:05 PM
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